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From The Issue: November/December 2021

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In The November/December 2021 Issue

2022 Pharmacy Outlook Roundtable

More From The Issue

Community Pharmacy Holding Its Own

The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) held one of the first “live” pharmacy events last month with the return of its annual meeting in October. The association released its 2021 NCPA Digest at the event, and findings show community pharmacy holding its own despite continued challenges.

Prognostications for 2022

As we approach the end of the year, we look forward to a post-pandemic 2022 and the return to a normal life. There are many entities and market sectors that benefit from prolonging the pandemic. However, our take is that most of the public is ready to move on, and the continued reopening of stores and businesses is expected. We expect most 2021 trends to continue in 2022, with a few twists and turns based on political decisions made in Washington.

An Interesting Year

2021 turned out to be a year with interesting developments. Top of the list is the chip shortage, which has really affected the auto industry. And in 2021 we saw the emergence of synthetic biology, with a few synthetic biology companies going public during the year.

Building an Effective SMS Campaign for Health Behaviors

SMS nudges can be an approach to influencing decision-making through how choices are presented to patients and how the various presentation methods can impact actual decision-making to encourage health behaviors that influence health or mortality.

More From Pharmacy Experts

Five Pharmacy Pain Points – And The Technology Solutions That Can Minimize Their Impact

The list of pharmacy pain points is certainly long. But there are solutions. Resources are available to help pharmacists navigate these challenges, most notably including technology-based solutions that can automate workflows and seamlessly perform tasks that used to require chunks of staff time.
Beginning in January 2024 direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fees will no longer be collected retroactively. Instead, they will be collected up front, and deducted from reimbursements paid to pharmacies. But during the first few months of 2024, when the new process takes effect, pharmacies face the very serious situation of what can only be seen as a “double whammy” — 2024 DIR fee assessments withheld at the same time that 2023 fees are retroactively assessed. PrimeRx can help.

DIR Fees are Changing in 2024 – Are You Ready?

Beginning in January 2024 direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fees will no longer be collected retroactively. Instead, they will be collected up front, and deducted from reimbursements paid to pharmacies. Are you ready?
BestRx Your Pharmacy App 5 Reason Why Your Pharmacy Needs A Mobile App

5 Reasons Your Pharmacy Needs a Mobile App

As consumers continue to move towards an app-dominated lifestyle, your pharmacy will need to adapt and meet patients where they are — on their mobile devices. Here are five reasons your pharmacy needs a mobile app.
The Medical AI Podcast: Health Informatics and AI

The Medical AI Podcast: Health Informatics and AI

Episode 11 of the Medical AI Podcast, in which host Dr Felix Beacher delves into the crossroads of AI and health informatics, guided by expert guest Professor Mark Braunstein, Professor Braunstein shares his expertise in the field of health informatics.
Managed Health Care Associates, Inc. (MHA) Pharmacy Revenue Specialty Pharmacy LTC Pharmacy Infusion Pharmacy

Ways for Post-acute Pharmacies to Boost Revenue

Russ Procopio is executive vice president of the post-acute pharmacy team at Managed Health Care Associates, Inc. (MHA). In this interview with Will Lockwood, ComputerTalk’s director of editorial content, Procopio discusses ways these pharmacy segments can boost revenue.

Four Ways Technology Can Boost Your Pharmacy’s Services

The writing’s on the wall: technology is revolutionizing the way pharmacies provide services. Fortunately, as a pharmacist, you can take advantage of these advances to improve your services and increase customer satisfaction. At ComputerTalk For The Pharmacist, we always have a finger on the pulse of the pharmaceutical tech...
Increasing pharmacy revenue

3 Ways Pharmacies Can Generate Additional Revenue

Fighting shrinking margins at your pharmacy? Consider expanding to include products and services that require little to no third-party involvement. Learn how robust, user-friendly pharmacy software from BestRx can help stores efficiently manage many other revenue-generating services, beyond prescription sales. 

More From The Issue

Cover Story | Refresh The Pharmacy: Best Ideas for 2022

Pharmacies turned in a strong performance in 2021. They continued to be the most accessible healthcare provider in the country and grew further into a central role in patient care. What are the best ideas for pharmacies looking to hit the refresh button and add to their capabilities in the coming year? We surveyed a few industry experts for their take.

Plus | Change Is Scary, But Change Is Also Good

This is the time to do an inventory of where your pharmacy is now and where you’d like to take it. DrFirst’s Heidi Polek, R.Ph., gives you the steps to follow.

Exclusive Web Content | Investing Wisely: Section 179 and Packaging Automation

Glenn Perreault has brought in RxSafe RapidPakRx adherence packaging automation at Colonial Pharmacy to meet new demand and continue growing. His strategy includes using Section 179 to deduct the cost of the investment against this year’s income, minimizing the impact of the new technology on his pharmacy’s finances.

Feature | On the Road Again

by Bruce Kneeland

From his 12th formal pharmacy road trip, the author shares how four pharmacies of different sizes, formats, and demographics have partnered with Liberty Software to better serve their patients.

Feature | The Possibilities for Pharmacy

by Maggie Lockwood

Diana Lischin, R.Ph., owner of two pharmacies in North Carolina, wanted to expand her med sync and compliance packing programs without putting additional stress on her staff. The solution: investing in a new pouch-packaging system.

Publisher’s Window | An Interesting Year

2021 turned out to be a year with interesting developments. Top of the list is the chip shortage, which has really aff ected the auto industry.

Technology Corner | Building an Effective SMS Campaign for Health Behaviors

Your relationship with your patients can provide the entry point for discussions about the nudges that work best for them.

Viewpoints | Prognostications for 2022

We expect most 2021 trends to continue in 2022, with a few twists and turns based on political decisions made in Washington.

Catalyst Corner | Community Pharmacy Holding Its Own

All pharmacies are stepping up to the plate and providing expanded immunization services.